How to use a gel fuel fireplace, How to protect yourself from gel fuel


Gel fireplaces are a type of non-ventilated fireplace that use alcohol-based gel as a fuel source. They can be used both indoors and outdoors. No chimney, gas connection or electricity is required, so you can take this handy fireplace with you wherever you go. Using a gel fuel stove indoors or outdoors is as convenient as lighting a match. While gel fuel appliances are generally very safe, it is important to use the fireplace and fuel container according to the instructions.

Bio fireplace – is a high-tech, environmentally friendly and easy to use unit, which can please us with the kind of real, live fire.

Gel fuel base

Gel fuel is made from isopropyl alcohol and is sold in 13 oz. cans that burn for two and a half to three hours. The cans cost about $3 each. Some fuel blends contain organic substances that make a hissing, popping sound that mimics the sound of burning wood when they burn. Very importantly, no soot is produced when gel fuel burns.

Directions for Use:

To light the gel fuel, remove the paper label on the outside of the can, open the lid like a paint can, and place the can in the desired location in the fireplace.
Then simply light the gel with a match or lighter. Most fireplaces hold up to three cans that can be lit at once.
To extinguish the flames, gently lower the lid on the jar to suppress the flames.
You can close the jar and save it for later use.

A freestanding indoor fireplace

Most indoor gel-fueled fireplaces are self-contained, so they are installed on a hard floor and do not require wall mounting. This allows them to be moved from room to room. Freestanding fireplaces are an attractive option for homes or small spaces where permanent changes are impossible or undesirable. Many indoor fireplaces have traditional fireplaces with mantels, columns and moldings, fireplace screens and ceramic logs. There are also modern styles with decorative panels of burning stone or flames.

Fuel is poured into the tank provided, which is most often made of stainless steel, and lit with a lighter. To quickly extinguish such a fireplace, there is a special damper or lid, with which the access of oxygen is cut off and the flame goes out. A full tank of bioethanol will provide continuous operation of the fireplace for several hours.

Outdoor Gel Fireplace

Outdoor gel fuel fireplaces come in a variety of styles, including fire pits, flame tables, flame stands and traditional fireplaces. Some models are small and portable, so they can be carried indoors or outdoors. Outdoor units act like indoor fireplaces. They are easy to set up and turn off because the fire is ready in seconds. When it’s time to go outside, you don’t have to wait for the fire to go, out and you can leave in peace. Once the flames are sterilized on the outside and the jar are sealed, you can safely go inside.

Wall-mounted fireplace

In addition to freestanding fireplaces, there are also wall-mounted units designed for both indoor and outdoor use. Because the fireplace doesn’t take up floor space, they are suitable for small rooms and open spaces. They also allow you to put a fireplace in a place you normally wouldn’t even think about.

Thermal output of gel fuel

One tin can typically generate about 3,000 Btu (British thermal units) of heat. It is easy to calculate that burning three cans at the same time produces 9,000 BTU’s. For example, wood in a typical wood-burning fireplace emits 20,000 to 40,000 Btu, and a gas fireplace emits 8,500 to 60,000 Btu. Gel fuel fireplaces emit less heat than wood or gas fireplaces, but because they have no chimney, the amount of heat lost is negligible. It draws warm air from the room rather than exhausting it through the chimney. A gel fuel fireplace burning three fuel tanks can heat a room by 10°F or so. An outdoor gel-fuel fireplace may give some heat to those sitting near the unit, but the total amount of heat is much less than from a wood-burning boiler.

Safety Tips for Using Gel Fuel

Although gel fuel is safe to burn both indoors and outdoors, there are a few important things to keep in mind when using a gel fuel fireplace.

  • Do not burn gel fuel unattended.
  • Place the freestanding model on the floor, platform, or open surface to prevent it from toppling over.
  • Be careful when using gel fuel outdoors. Do not light a fire in wind, rain or snow.
  • Burn gel fuel only in the original container. Do not refuel used containers or transfer fuel from one container to another.
  • Store fuel containers in a suitable place inside the fireplace.

According to the method of installation and location in the interior bio fireplaces can be divided into four types:

  1. We suggest to start with the smallest variants – table ones. A huge choice of sizes and shapes, economical fuel consumption, cozy design of any surface.
  2. Floor-type – these variants of bio channels can be placed in any part of the room. With their help, designers successfully zoned the space. The range of such models of bio fireplaces is not less than the table ones.
  3. The steel body makes wall-mounted fireplaces absolutely safe. This type of bio
    fireplaces can easily fit both classic and minimalist modern interiors.
  4. A recessed fireplace can be installed in a niche or hole in the wall. Its appearance will resemble a full-fledged hearth and bring the whole family together. Or with the help of a false wall, as in the floor version, divide the room into zones.

Now it’s time to summarize

Bio fireplace is an excellent option of fireplace with high environmental friendliness, for city apartments and country houses, for all tastes and wallet.


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