Yogurt – benefits or harms


What is yogurt

Yogurt is a fermented milk product with a high dry matter content, made by fermenting a pure culture of starter microorganisms.

Sugar-free drinking yogurt – nutritional value:

Yogurt Fat Content0-0,5%1%1,50%2,90%2,80%
Calories (kJ)33 (137)39 (163)43 (179)51 (214)57 (238)

For many, this is a staple on the breakfast table. But this ingredient is not just a breakfast snack. It is eaten at every meal around the world and can be grown from any milk and prepared in a variety of ways.

You’ve probably tried yogurt at least once in your life. For many, it is a staple on the breakfast table. But this ingredient is not just a breakfast snack. It is eaten at every meal around the world and can be grown from any milk and prepared in a variety of ways.

Yogurt is fermented milk.
So why does it taste good?
The name “thicken,” “yogurt,” comes from the Turkish verb “yogurmak.

Mostly cow’s milk is used. But goat, sheep or lamb milk can be used to make yogurt. Any yogurt should be stored in the refrigerator so that it does not spoil. When exposed to heat, probiotic bacteria flourish and the first tart yogurt appears.

How to consume yogurt

Eat yogurt on its own, add it to layered parfaits or smoothies. There are endless ways to eat yogurt. Some find that plain Greek yogurt replaces sour cream when making hot chili peppers, tacos or sauces, and goes well with all kinds of fried potatoes.

Different uses also include adding yogurt to marinades because of its softness and flavor-enhancing properties, adding sour cream or buttermilk to desserts, and then using it to make chilled sauces such as chachi. Yogurt is present in many Greek, Mediterranean, South Asian and Middle Eastern cuisines and has many uses.

How to make a healthy, low-fat dessert – make frozen yogurt for ice cream.

Nutrition and Benefits of Yogurt

It is important to know that unpasteurized farmhouse yogurt stays fresh outside the refrigerator as long as it is stored in a moderately cool place. Yogurt can be frozen in a container, but when thawed, it will change its composition, becoming more suitable for making smoothies, marinades or for purposes other than consuming as a “puree”.

Live yogurt contains beneficial bacteria and is certainly good for gut health – it is yogurt without additives, without flavorings and without sugar. However, not all yogurts sold contain healthy bacteria.

Skim or full-fat yogurt is rich in protein.

The harmful composition of inexpensive yogurt

Be careful when choosing yogurt.
Pay attention to the packaging. Dairy products prepared by heat treatment cannot be called yogurt – it is a yogurt product. Yogurt product contains dead bacteria, not live bacteria.

Yogurts have a shelf life of 1 month, and live yogurts cannot be stored for more than 7 days. In addition, yogurts have been found to contain additives that are harmful to the human body, which manufacturers do not talk about in advertisements.

Such as:

  • (modified starch) Slows digestion in the intestines;
  • (citric acid) May cause cancer.
  • (pectin) Diseases of the digestive tract.
  • ( modified starch ) Harmful to pancreas, diseases.
  • (sodium citrate) May cause esophageal cancer, colorectal cancer.

Bon Appetit. Be healthy.


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