How do I use toothpaste at home


Toothpaste application

Toothpaste is an essential household item. In addition to keeping everyone in the family’s teeth healthy, it has a number of health benefits that not everyone knows about.

Toothpaste contains substances that allow you to take care of your home and use it for household purposes.

Toothpastes contain many ingredients. These include whitening, anti-inflammatory, and abrasive agents. They are the ones that make it possible to use toothpaste in other cases. After all, a tube of toothpaste is always in the house.

Of course, mostly toothpaste is used for brushing teeth. But someone has probably heard that it can be used to clean silverware, and someone has even tried polishing nails. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg! You’ll learn about the unusual properties of toothpaste and look at it with entirely different eyes.

An unusual use of toothpaste. We are surrounded by thousands of familiar things. Each of these things has a specific function. For example, we know to sit on a chair, sleep on a bed, brush our teeth with a toothbrush and put tights on our feet. And you know, even in everyday life you have to be imaginative and inventive. After all, in the economy there are unforeseen situations when something is missing and because of this the work stops. But if you apply ordinary things unconventionally, if you give a second or even a third role to ordinary, familiar things, then any business will succeed.

Cleaning the rubber on shoes

  • Clean the rubber on your sneakers.

Today, many people wear white sneakers in almost all weathers. It is quite natural that they accumulate quite a lot of dirt. It is absorbed into the material, so the question of how to wash white sneakers, is very relevant.

If the rubber on the sole or toe of your sneakers is dirty, use an old toothbrush with a little toothpaste. Then remove toothpaste residue and dirt with a damp cloth.

If there are scratches on your light-colored shoes, you can mask them. Simply coat the damaged areas with toothpaste, allow time to dry, and then remove the excess paste with a paper towel.
You can use a toothpaste-coated brush to clean dirty shoes. After cleaning, rinse off any remaining toothpaste with water. This way you can resuscitate, for example, sneakers. This is a very effective way.

Cleaning leather shoes

  • Remove traces of dirt from leather and vinyl shoes.

Because of the high general humidity, as well as the action of dirt and dust on leather products will appear white ugly streaks, which makes shoes faded and dull. To make shoes last longer, you need to learn how to properly and competently clean them, and this is done quickly and easily. Care is just necessary for literally any skin, so shoes will have a beautiful appearance and will last a very long time. Especially relevant this care in the spring and fall, as due to the slush and rain shoes will be exposed to negative effects. Regular, proper and competent cleaning will be the key to aesthetics and long life of leather products. If you take a rational approach to such a task as cleaning leather shoes, they will last more than one season.

Each kind of leather requires appropriate cleaning, i.e. leather and suede can be cleaned one way and nubuck another. To clean your shoes, you will need a set of special brushes of different hardness and a special sponge, as well as wool and flannel rags. It is necessary to take into account that it is better to clean nubuck and suede at the dry cleaners and only with special sponges and brushes. Such cleaning is best done immediately after coming in from the street, you should first thoroughly dry and only then perform treatment with cream or other protective compositions.

Dirty white sneakers will shine again if you first apply a little dishwashing gel, rub it on the surface and wipe off the foam with a paper towel. Then use an old toothbrush and apply toothpaste over the dishwashing detergent in a circular motion and repeat the process. Finally, wipe your shoes with a clean, damp cloth, removing any paste residue.

Remove marks from soft leather, patent leather or vinyl shoes by applying the toothpaste to a soft cloth or sponge. Treat small areas at a time. Remember, this product is not suitable for suede shoes or boots.

Jewelry cleaning

  • Spruce up your jewelry.

Jewelry tends to get dirty, and that’s nothing new. Daily wear, dust, sweat and other “irritants” negatively affect the condition of the metals from which our favorite accessories are made. There is no magic pill that will save your jewelry from dirt. But there are universal and time-tested methods that will easily cope with any kind of visual deterioration of jewelry.

Even gold and platinum get dirty: it’s inevitable. So it’s not surprising that designer costume jewelry or jewelry bought in an underpass also visually deteriorates after a while. Cheap costume jewelry “deteriorates” faster. If you think that this problem doesn’t affect you, you’re dead wrong.

If your silver jewelry is blackened, put it in water with baking soda added. After 15 minutes, remove the jewelry and scrub it with a soft toothpaste brush. If necessary, you can leave it overnight. This method will make the jewelry clean and give it a bright shine.

To cope with various household problems, it is not necessary to get equipped with a large arsenal of chemical compositions. In some cases, a simple toothpaste can help.

Toothpaste is great if your silver jewelry or diamonds are tarnished. Use just a few small pieces of old toothpaste to get it into every crevice. Rinse well and wipe with a dry cloth to give it a shine. Never use toothpaste on soft gemstones such as pearls or opal, which can scratch because of their abrasive properties.

Iron cleaning, Iron soleplate cleaning

  • Cleaning the iron soleplate.

After prolonged use, the iron’s surface gradually becomes dirty. The question arises: how to return the soleplate to its former smoothness and flatness? There are many ways to do this, but we will consider a rather unusual method of cleaning your iron at home using ordinary toothpaste.

We all know that this product perfectly removes various plaque from tooth enamel. So why not use it to clean the fouling on the working surface of the iron?

Choose the cheapest paste: it has a much higher content of various chemicals. It acts like baking soda on burnt kitchen utensils.

Using toothpaste to clean your iron will allow you to save the family budget, eliminating the need to search for and purchase expensive cleaning products. To minimize the contamination of the soleplate, you should strictly follow the above tips and try not to overheat your electric helper. Then it will serve you faithfully for a very long time.

To clean the soleplate of the iron from soot as well as to lighten the plastic body, it is enough to treat it with toothpaste and then polish it with a soft cloth. Make sure the toothpaste does not get into the steam holes on the soleplate.

Plastic cleaning, Cleaning plastic with toothpaste

  • Brightening of yellowed plastic.

Toothpaste with fluoride is often recommended by dentists for cleaning and protecting teeth. However, the toothpaste’s mild abrasive formula can also be used as a polish for many plastic surfaces in the home. From electrical appliance handles to car headlights to laptop covers, toothpaste can be used to successfully remove stubborn stains and UV damage from plastic without harming it. The toothpaste is also suitable for those looking for a cleaner with minimal environmental impact.

Use toothpaste to clean various plastic surfaces around the house.

Yellowed plastic surfaces can be whitened with toothpaste or powder mixed with chalk. Such a composition will help to cope with any degree of yellowing. To make the mixture, you need to grind a small piece of chalk into powder and mix in a 1:1 ratio with toothpaste. The resulting mass is evenly applied to the yellowed area and left to dry completely. Then wash the area with a damp sponge and wipe dry with a clean rag or cloth.

Yellow from the time the plastic is perfectly whitened with toothpaste. You need to liberally apply the product to a sponge and wipe it. Leave the composition for half an hour, then wash off with a damp sponge.

This method is also suitable for piano keys, which often suffer from discoloration. Just be careful with the moisture – do not let it get inside the instrument.

In some cases, ordinary toothpaste can help.


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