Green lawn
When you look at your neighbor’s yard, you probably say to yourself, “The grass is always greener on the other side. Don’t despair. Check to see if the grass has grown too much in early fall, water your lawn enough, learn how to mow and use lawn manure properly, and your lawn will be greener.
Knowing how to properly plant and care for lawn grass on your property will help create a great place to spend time with pets, family and friends, or simply give a more attractive look to our home.
You should not expect a perfect lawn in the year it is sown. According to experienced Englishmen in this matter, the grass grows fully and evenly only in the fifth year. But with the right selection of seeds, timely planting, good soil preparation and proper care, a perfect lawn can be enjoyed in the third year.
Dry grass yard
Dead grass removal
Dead grass is a layer of naturally dead grass that lies on top of the dirt on your lawn. It consists of undecomposed stems, stolons, rhizomes, and roots. When the layer of thatch reaches about 1/2 inch thick, it can cause damage to your lawn and should be removed with a procedure called thatch removal.
If the layer of shoots on your lawn is 1/2 inch or so thick, it means you have a shoot problem. A thicker layer (such as 3/4 inch or more) requires the use of a central aerator or an upright mower. Both can be rented from local rental centers.
Lawn watering system, Lawn watering device, Lawn watering robot
Provide the grass with plenty of water

What is the expected annual rainfall for the area?
In arid climates, a watering system must be installed for successful lawn growth. But obviously, in the foggy Pacific Northwest, most people prefer to water Mother Nature. For most other people, it’s not so clear-cut whether or not a lawn sprinkler system will be installed. Cost is often a major factor, but in the long run, sprinkler systems can save you money because they are more efficient than other watering methods.
Whichever method you choose, your lawn should get enough water regularly to keep it green and healthy. Over-watering can cause its own problems, while an under-watered lawn doesn’t have enough energy and resilience to fight weeds and diseases.
Lawn fertilizer, Lawn fertilizer spray
Weed control and lawn fertilization
We all know we need to fertilize tomatoes in the garden. Or we need to fertilize the indoor plants on our windowsills. However, it’s easy to overlook the need to fertilize grasses. Perhaps this is because individual herbaceous plants work in harmony to form what we call “herbs.” However, it is more correct to think of grasses as millions of individual plants that need to be fertilized regularly.
Lawn fertilization goes hand in hand with weed control. When your lawn absorbs nutrients from fertilizer, the root system sprouts and begins to cover your bare feet. Weed seeds get into the bare ground. When you get rid of these spots, you get a weed that really hurts. Ideally, with fertilizer and other maintenance efforts, your lawn will reach a point where most weeds will grow when the lawn is healthy.
The best way to satisfy grass plants’ hunger is with slow-release fertilizers, which prolong nutrition and are less likely to burn grass than other mixes. You can feed grass and weeds at the same time by using a weed-and-feed type fertilizer, which is a toxic food for lawn and weed.
SummerGuard, Summerguard fertilizer, NPK fertilizer application, Organic gardening at home, Organic gardening
Follow the fertilization schedule
Scotts company, a major fertilizer manufacturer, recommends applying lawn fertilizer in four steps. The exact timing, of course, may vary from region to region. Another factor is the type of grass you have growing. So always read the label on the package carefully before applying fertilizer and take advice from your local garden center or local experts.
As an example of a general application schedule: if you live in the northeastern United States and your lawn is a cool grass, feed it with Advance First Aid to cool your lawn in May. Crabgrass grows. After June, apply another lawn fertilizer that will do two things at once. In this case, the other operation (besides fertilizing) is to control broadleaf weeds. In the latter case, you’ll need a post-emergent herbicide product to kill the weeds that have begun to grow on your lawn.
In the height of summer, insects and drought are the main enemies of your lawn.Scotts offers a lawn fertilizer called SummerGuard to solve these problems. It’s designed to fight bed bugs and many other creatures, including the deer mite, which carries Lyme disease. But to get rid of mites in dense landscaping, you have to spray other products. It also improves the lawn’s ability to “absorb water and nutrients,” according to the company.
Finally, don’t forget about your lawn when you tidy up your yard in the fall. Remembering which fertilizers to buy at this time is not difficult. That’s because their names often include the word “winterizer.” These products are designed to help your lawn create a deeper root system and survive the winter.
Before you buy, however, be sure to check the label on the packet of winterizing fertilizer to see the nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium or NPK content.In the book The Myth of Winterizing Fertilizer. “Fall nitrogen application is the most important lawn fertilizer of the year.” We suggest using NPK 25-5-5 fertilizer.
For those who like organic landscaping, applying compost (or at least a significant portion of it) is the way to go. If you keep your lawn in good compost, you’ll have a better chance of weeding it and avoiding pest infestations. For organic control of emerging weeds, you’ll have to resort to a good old-fashioned wheelbarrow. If you choose this route, water first, because weeds emerge more easily in wet soil than in dry soil.
How to mow your lawn properly, Lawn mowing, Mulching mower, Lawn mulching
According to Cornell University Cooperative Extension, if you mow your lawn by setting the correct height, you won’t need a mulching mower to cut your lawn. Cornell Extension’s suggested rule of thumb is, “When the grass is dry, mow it to a height of 3-3 1/2 inches, but never shorter than 2-2/2 inches.” No one mows a leafy surface.”
The value of mowing is that it allows the lawn to sprout well. The most important element of mowing a lawn is to mow it well. If you follow a rule of thumb and only mow about an inch from the top of the lawn at any given time, most of the grass clippings will stay down.
This tip means more frequent mowing. But you’ll end up with a healthier lawn, full of nutrients that you would otherwise leave behind. Mowing your lawn too short can cause stress, especially in hot weather. In addition, mowing grass promotes growth and increases its density. In fact, as with many garden flowers, you are pruning to get a hardy plant.
You don’t have to be very careful about the height of the lawn because mowing the lawn with a mulch mower gives you a thinner cut. This is much better for those of us who don’t usually walk around with a tape measure on our belt.
If you plant your lawn in the spring, you can enjoy a romantic dinner in your garden with green grass in just a year.