How to thoroughly clean your kitchen


What cleaners are the most gentle and effective

Cleaning your kitchen is a serious business. Get your rubber gloves and enthusiasm ready – in this article we’ll tell you how to clean your kitchen at home easily and safely for your kitchen fronts, countertops and apron (including wooden ones!).

Virtually every cooking process is accompanied by splashes of oil and fumes containing grease particles. All of this precipitates safely on kitchen fronts, forming a sticky layer that instantly attracts dust. The pedantic housewife will tell you that you just need to wipe down all the kitchen surfaces regularly, but in fact this is not always enough. Some dirt is hard to remove even when fresh, and if time has passed and the kitchen cabinets are covered in a thick layer of plaque, not even a damp cloth can handle it.

Smoke-clogged cabinets, dusty refrigerator surfaces and ovens every time you bake are not the ideal component of the kitchen. Bring the important room back into your home with a step-by-step guide on how to clean your kitchen thoroughly.

How to bring the kitchen to a decent condition, How to clean grease from kitchen cabinets

  • Start with a 15-minute kitchen cleanup. This will get rid of clutter and dirty dishes and make room for some really intense cleaning. Don’t worry about mopping the floor even after the 15-minute cleanup. We’ll do it later.
  • Dirt on the ceiling and wall corners. Decide if you need to wash the walls in a messy area. Don’t forget to wash out stains, vents, door knobs, doors and switch panels. The walls in this room need to be cleaned more often than in other rooms. You may not even notice your hand mixer or blender squeaking against the wall. Now take the time to do some intensive cleaning to wipe grease stains, smudges, and spilled food off the walls.

How to remove dirt from the ceiling

  • Spray the walls and clean all the artwork and paintings. Be careful when cleaning paintings and framed photos. Never spray detergent or water on the frame. The liquid can seep behind the glass and damage the image. Instead, gently wipe the frame and glass with a clean cloth.

How to remove dirt on walls

  • Shake off the dust and clean the ceiling fan. You may need a mild cleaning agent, such as Murphy’s Oil Soap. Reinstall the light fixture and thoroughly wash and dry it before replacing it.
  • Remove fabric, curtains and blinds and wash according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Vacuum and clean window sills and corners. Wash the windows inside and out. Lay out the screen and rinse it before replacing it.
  • Apply oven cleaner and wash the refrigerator. Open windows in the kitchen will help avoid pungent smells. Don’t forget to vacuum the coils of the unplugged refrigerator. If you get help moving it, it’s a good time to sweep and clean underneath it. Beware of scratching the floor.
  • Start rummaging through the freezer and refrigerator while the oven cleaner is running. Throw out expired foods, mostly empty containers and foods you bought but never used. Put things on the counter. Empty the shelves and drawers of the refrigerator. Wash the glass shelves thoroughly. Wash the entire interior of the refrigerator and freezer before changing shelves and food. Clean the oven according to the instructions for the oven cleaner.

Cleaning your refrigerator

To clean your refrigerator, remove odors – use baking soda in your refrigerator.

  • Remove the knob, burner, burner lid and drip tray from the stove. See your stove/oven manual for cleaning methods appropriate for your model. (Which you studied carefully when you purchased the oven for this particular case). Some ovens are raised to allow easy access to spills and debris. Wipe down the entire stove.

Clean the electric stove from top to bottom

  1. Hood Cleaning.
    1. Hood Cleaning.
    1. Gas cooktop.
    1. Cleaning an electric cooktop.
    1. Oven.
    1. Floor
  • Wipe and clean toasters, blenders and other small appliances. Wipe and clean the microwave oven. If the debris in the microwave is petrified, boil a glass beaker filled with water in the microwave. The steam will dissolve the debris. If you can smell it in the microwave, boil some lemon juice. But turn off all appliances first.

How to clean toasters, How to clean blenders

  • Clean the kitchen cabinets. Rearrange the cabinets if necessary. Remove mismatched lids and bowls. Get rid of items you don’t use regularly. Restore and rinse the interior and exterior of the cabinet.
  • Unload the dishwasher. Pour vinegar or baking soda on the bottom of the dishwasher before starting it. If there are food residues on the bottom of the dishwasher, clean them off. Wash the outside of the dishwasher. Check the dishwasher errors it gives out.

How to clean a dishwasher

  • Wash the kitchen countertops. Be sure to get them in proper condition.
  • Wipe down and clean the drawers. Arrange the cutlery in order. For better organization of kitchen drawers, install drawer dividers.
  • Rinse the sink If you have a garbage disposal, it’s time to fill it with warm water and/or baking soda and lemon zest to freshen the drain. Throw out the ice cubes and sharpen the blade. Use baking soda in the drain.
  • Wash and mop the floor. Don’t forget the baseboards. One of the best ways to mop the floor is to put a mop or towel on your hands and under your knees.

What tips for cleaning the kitchen

  • Gather all the stuff. Trying to sort through the pantry to clean the oven can be so frustrating that you have to give up the cabinets. It’s easy to forget what your original goal was.
  • Order dinner for the evening and be rewarded. Don’t let anyone touch the kitchen until the next morning, before breakfast. It may already be cruel, but you can get things in order overnight.
  • Listen to music, audiobooks, or recordings in a foreign language. Time will pass much faster if there is a pleasant atmosphere in the house. A great way is to set up your stereo so that you want to listen to it. Anyone who doesn’t mind can turn to the stereo and do some cleaning.

What you will need for cleaning!

  • a dustpan (preferably with long handles).
  • stepladderтряпка для уборки
  • cleaning rag
  • bucket with handle
  • vacuum cleaner with nozzle
  • All-purpose detergent, dish soap or mild detergent
  • oven cleaner
  • Shelf or cabinet liners and drawer dividers
  • broom and mop or towel

Stay healthy!


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