How to choose the best ActiClean self-cleaning toilet, American Standard ActiClean – functionality or hype?


American Standard ActiClean review

The Acticlean Standard American Toilet is a two-piece with a 1.28 g/foot(30cm) gravity flush. The highlight of this bathroom is its self-cleaning feature built into the flush system.

You want cleaning to be automatic, no – it won’t be that way. It also cannot be programmed to start automatically. You have to press a button to start the automatic cleaning, which feeds the cleaning fluid into the bowl and rinses it – this is the VorMax rinse system that the ActiClean has.

There are two cleaning methods: quick cleaning and deep cleaning.

Cleaning method, Vormax toilet, ActiClean

With regular care, the quick clean is a one-minute cleaning cycle and is recommended to be used between deep cleanings.

Deep cleaning takes 10 minutes.

Now, if you remove the automatic cleaning function. Thus, you can count on a huge rinsing capacity and bowl flushing.

In fact, it’s a simple place to attach American standards to the flush toilet.

The entire cleaning control mechanism is mounted on the fuel tank lid. It has a cleaning cartridge holder, battery compartment and control panel.

The control panel is a separate compartment accessible through a hinged cover on the back of the fuel tank cover. It has two purge buttons and light indicators to notify you when the battery is low or the detergent level is low.

To replace the cleaning fluid reservoir or the battery, simply open the main cap on the fuel tank lid. It’s very easy to understand. There are only 2 buttons, a quick clean button and a deep clean button. It even includes a child safety feature.

American Standard ActiClean cleaning function

American Standard ActiClean cleaning function

After selecting a cleaning cycle, the Acticlean system delivers a specific dose of cleaning solution into the bowl. The solution is then mixed with the water from the water tank and drains into the bowl through the bowl channel.

A strong stream of water washed the entire surface of the bowl, washing from top to bottom while exuding a fresh scent. Finally, let it stand in the bowl and soak regularly. After time has elapsed, the soaking system will automatically switch to a rinse cycle. This time it pumps out the detergent and rinses the bowl. The result is a clean toilet bowl with the smell of detergent.

To activate the child lock function, simply press the quick and deep buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds. In the same way, disable the child lock. So nothing complicated, the instruction manual can be put away, you don’t need it.

Now think about it – do you still need the automatic cleaning feature? Now it will all depend on how you use it for daily cleaning.

Stains and slips on the toilet bowl are the places users complain about the most. Usually these stains form after a while because some residue washes off when rinsing. They collect around or at the mouth of the bowl, forming slippery marks.

Now if you’re looking for a way to remove these residues without using a toothbrush, then ActiClean is your best choice.

Now your daily bowl cleaning is just a button away.

Do a quick, thorough cleaning once a week, and you’ll notice that you clean the toilet bowl less often. Or it might just save you from having to wipe it by hand.

If every household appliance can cleanse itself, life will be beautiful.

Some people think that even with cleansers, water can’t wash as effectively as brushing your teeth. But you have to trust VorMax, it really is a powerful and effective rinse system. This automatic cleaning feature will only make it easier to clean the bowl.

The highlight of the standard American Acticlean toilet is, of course, its self-cleaning function. Its intuitive operation does not require any instructions to understand or learn. There are only two buttons, a quick clean in 1 minute and then a thorough clean takes 10 minutes. Battery and cartridge replacement instructions are self-explanatory, and the corresponding LED indicators are displayed.


The VorMax system
The VorMax double valve system

Although Vormax prides itself on its dual flush capability, its dual baffle design is more expensive than the standard design. From an engineering standpoint, having two flush valves also means that the chance of a leak doubles. The baffle is the most common replacement part of a toilet bowl.

Double valve

Using the ActiClean feature, you may incur additional costs for cleaning the cartridge and battery. Although it is not a big deal, the additional annual maintenance will increase from $50 to $60. If you follow the recommendations, use 1 quick clean and 1 deep clean once a week.

The biggest problem is how to keep using the electronic control device inside the tank lid. This may be the weakest part of the whole toilet. This is still new, and only time can leave more user feedback to share their experiences.

Another problem with the tank lid is that you cannot replace it with a regular lid. But your existing vormax flush toilet can be replaced with the ActiClean by replacing the water tank with the ActiClean water tank.

So if you decide to choose this ActiClean self-cleaning toilet, be sure to leave your reviews in the review section. What’s more, the ActiClean requires an overall concealed trapezoidal design.

Last but not least, do you think this ActiClean self-cleaning toilet is overrated?

Do you agree that flushing one VorMax is enough to keep the toilet clean?

Vortex Flush

The choice is yours!

If your answer is yes, take a look at this model: You will love the design of the frameless Vortex Flush bowl. Yes, its flush is better than the VorMax system flush.


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