How do front-loading washing machines work


Nowadays we can find a lot of different goods in our stores, and before buying a washing machine we often go to the Internet for expert advice and reviews of specialists to solve the age-old question – which washing machine is better and which one we should buy.

In fact, everything is not so simple here. It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this difficult question, because each type of equipment has its own technical and other characteristics. Therefore, we want to offer you to understand this issue, considering front-loading washing machines.

Front-loading or horizontal-axis washing machines have long been a standard in Europe, but are relatively new to the U.S. consumer market, although commercial front-loading washing machines are common in the United States. The front-loading washing machine system is something of a mystery, since top-loading and center-loading washing machines have long been in service in the United States.

Can they clean clothes with lots of detergent, a stirrer and little water?

So how does a front-loading washing machine work

There are certainly similarities between top-loading and front-loading washing machines. Both remove water from clothes with an internal stainless steel drum, as well as an external car wash tank, motor, control system, drain pump, and rotating spinner. That’s where the similarities end.

A front-loading washer fills the bottom of the inner tub with a small amount of water and uses the tub’s rotation and gravity to move the clothes into the water. The spinning motion is similar to the tipping motion in a clothes dryer. Side paddles on the inner drum lift the clothes and move them in and out of the water. This provides the mechanical action (cleaning) necessary to remove dirt from the fabric.

This type of machine wash doesn’t require clothes to always be surrounded by water, so front-loading washers use much less water than standard top-loading machines. Of course, if you use less water, you should use less detergent, less lather, and less air bubbles to prevent residue and residue on your clothes.

Using water in a front-loading washing machine

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, a front-loading washer has reduced water use by nearly 40%. A standard top-loading washing machine uses about 40 gallons of water for a full load. A full-size front-loading washing machine uses only 20-25 gallons. For the average household, a front-loading washer can save 7,000 gallons of water per year. It also results in energy savings and lower operating costs.

No matter how many items are in the washer, the front-loading washer always fills the same low water level. When the load is larger and the level drops because it absorbs most of the water for washing, more water is added to maintain the set water level. For most models, water is added to the drum while tipping the clothes to quickly soak the clothes, requiring less water to be added.

What are the important components that can’t be dispensed with

The inside of a front-loading washer is actually simpler than a top-loading washer. The motor is basically connected to the drum by a pulley belt and wheels. No gears or clutches like a full-load washer. The machine has a system of flexible bellows (usually rubber) that can hold clothes and water inside the drum while cycling. It is very important to keep this system in good working order, otherwise small objects can fall between the inner basket and the tank, clogging the drainage system or making it difficult for the inner basket to rotate. Because they are flexible and usually have many folds to which the washers bend during use, bellows trap water and can cause a musty or mildew odor. Regular cleaning and maintenance of your front-loading washing machine is important.

While some models may open the door during the cycle to add extra clothing, it is important that the door latch/lock system works flawlessly to prevent leaks and accidents.

The mechanical internal components are simpler, but the electronic control system is not. Today’s front loaders don’t offer simple controls to select cycles based on load size and ground level. The electronics are controlled by mini-computer components, and if one component fails, the entire unit must be replaced.

If you are comfortable, you can do many repairs yourself, such as cleaning the drain or clogging the water pump. If you need a manual or repair manual for your front-loading washing machine, most are available online.


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